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FilingBox는 다양한 규모의 회사의 요구 사항을 충족시키기 위해 4가지 제품으로 구성되어 있습니다.
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파일링박스 제품 라인업

Sub Title
Data Breach
FilingBox TeamSecure File StorageLinkPersonal Folder only and one shared folderCreate-and-Read-only file systems except for Windows ExplorerDrive-level fake file system (affects all files by enabling a phishing-proof option)Team (having around 10 staff)AWS, Azure, NCP(Free Trial available by 2022)Cloud Service, Appliance
FilingBox SMBSecure Corporate Data StorageLinkFolder and File level access managementCreate-and-Read-only file systems except for Windows ExplorerFile-level fake file system (only affects files set as security files)Small and medium size company (having around 300 staff)AWS, Azure, NCP(Free Trial available by 2022)Cloud Service, Appliance,
FilingBox EnterpriseSecure Document Management StorageLinkFolder level access managementCreate-and-Read-only file systems except for Windows ExplorerNoneLarge Enterprise, gov’t agency (having over 1,000 staff)Korea onlyOn-Premise License
FilingBox MegaSecure Server StorageLinkNoneOnly pre-registered applications create, read, modify, and delete files.Application-level fake file system (only provides true files to preregistered applications)Server adminTBDOn-Premise License
Target MarketProduct LineProduct ItemProduct TypePricing UnitFeatures
Individual and ProfessionalFilingBox NANO FilingBox NANO (Custom-Made Only)DevicePer Device1. Ransomware-Proof USB Storage -
2. Secure USB Storage with a Read only mode, a Phishing-Proof Add only mode, a Read-write mode
Professional and team FilingBox MINI FilingBox MINIDevice or Cloud LicensePer Device or VM1. Data Breach Prevention Network Storage -
2. Ransomware-Proof Network Storage -
3. 1 terabyte
4. 10 users
FilingBox MINI CloudDevice or Cloud License1. Data Breach Prevention Network Storage
2. Ransomware-Proof Network Storage
3. Various storage size depending on hardware specs
4. 10 users
Server AdministratorFilingBox MegaFilingBox MGEA FileOn-Premises or Cloud LicenseNo. of Client and Storage Server and MEGA Server1. Ransomware-Proof Network Storage for Windows and Linux server
2. File level WORM Storage
FilingBox MEGA FolderOn-Premises or Cloud License1. Ransomware-Proof Network Storage for Windows and Linux server
2. Folder level WORM Storage
Company, GovernmentFilingBox EnterpriseFilingBox Enterprise LiteOn-Premises or Cloud LicenseNo. of User and Server 1. Network-Drive-Interface EDMS (Light-weight EDMS, Team Access Management, Texonomy Folder Protection and more)"
FilingBox Enterprise StandardOn-Premises or Cloud License1. All FilingBox Lite feautres included
2. Ransomware-Proof Stroage
FilingBox Enterprise PlusOn-Premises or Cloud License1. All FilingBox Standard feautres included
2. Auto PC backup (User and PC based)
FilingBox Enterprise DLP
(Coming Soon)
On-Premises or Cloud License1. All FilingBox Plus features included
2. Phishing-Proof Storage
3. DLP (Data Leak Prevention)